Thursday, December 13, 2007


6th Puppy
13.25 ounces
Born 10:54 AM

With the puppies coming at pretty regular intervals of around 25 minutes, this little guy had us worried since he took almost 2-1/2 hours. Fortunately my friend Lisa just had a litter of pups recently and had some Calphosan and Oxytocin and was able to escape from Pup-A-Razzi to fly home to her house and then deliver the supplies to me. Thanks Heather for holding down the fort at Pup while Lisa was on her mission. One shot of Calphosan was enough to get the contractions started again and bring the last baby into the world.

He's got a good set of lungs on him, but Jan had to work to encourage him to nurse. No obvious signs of a defect, so we'll keep our fingers crossed that he is just a little tired from his late arrival.

I'll take his photo later.

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