Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Stoker has a Big Booty

We went for a fitness walk on Monday despite the torrential rain and wind. Stoker got dolled up in Decker's rainsuit and didn't mind the weather at all.

Stoker hadn't been to work with me for about five days, and I brought her in with me yesterday (Tuesday). Hopefully Stoker couldn't understand what was being said as I had comments ranging from "boy, her butt is getting really wide!" to "hey, she's starting to waddle"!

She got a haircut today. I trimmed her Jacket and legs to about 1-inch long and shaved her rear shorter. This short lion trim should be quite practical for her maternity leave. When I get her home tonight, I will have Jan hold her on her back for me so I can clip her belly short. I got some before and after photos from her haircut and I'll post them as soon as I have a chance to upload them.

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