On New Year's eve, we celebrated by once again trimming puppy toenails. This time, Jan held the pups and Suzanne got the thankless job of snipping all those tiny little nails. Talk about eye strain!
Last night, the pups got rearranged into slightly larger quarters. Since they were moving to the edges of the whelping box to try to potty away from their "nest", we opened the back of the box up and added an ex-penned area with newspaper for their potty area. They were not impressed with the strange new surface initially, but by this morning they were venturing onto it and will hopefully figure out that it is the "restroom".
We added some toys to the box yesterday too. The big stuffed cow toy that was Stoker's litters mascot got called back into service for this gang. Flossie is looking well-loved, but the puppies seem to like her anyway and Stoker uses her as a headrest when she is nursing the pups.
I ordered microchips for the pups yesterday too and the pups will be chipped when they are around 7-1/2 weeks old before they go for their eye exam. The microchips can be scanned to help identify your pup should they happen (heaven forbid!) to escape and be captured by some kind stranger who is trying to return the pup to you.
Today saw a visit to the post office to mail the litter registration form off to the American Kennel Club. I like to wait until the pups are a week old before submitting the litter registration to make sure they all make it through the first week. Because this was an AI breeding, on-line registration of the litter is not possible and snail mail is the only allowed method. I was reluctant to mail the paperwork during the holidays, so got it off today. Hopefully the AKC will be prompt in processing it and sending the individual registration forms back to me.
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