Monday, January 21, 2008

Visitors on the 20th & Goody Bag Loot

Sunday brought lots of visitors for the pups. Alice and Jim drove up from Eugene again and brought Alice's sister Susan with them this time. Nichole and Joe from Tualatin were back for another visit. The Hicks family came again too and brought a friend along with them. The pups enjoyed all the attention, as always.

I made a trip back to the Rose City dog show again today, because when I was there on Friday, the Nature's Logic representative had said he would see if he could give me a few free bags of dog food to send home with the babies. I was pretty excited, since I had just stopped by to get some brochures for the puppy's goody bags. Thanks to Nature's Logic, each of the pups will be taking a small bag of kibble (instead of a large ziploc as I had intended) and some treats home with them.

I've been sending some e-mails to some of my favorite manufacturers and have been promised samples of Europa Grain-Free Dog Food Mix, and Veg-To-Bowl for the goody bags too.

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