Saturday, January 5, 2008


The babies had visitors this evening. Joe and Nichole live in nearby Tigard and came over for an hour to see the pups and bring by their completed questionairre. The babies spent an astonishing amount of that time nursing and Stoker was being most solicitious of them, probably because she was a little bit anxious at having guests visit. Stoker enjoyed the extra pats that she got from Joe and Nichole though, and Decker was quite the silly boy, hamming it up to illustrate just how silly a big PWD boy can be.

Noted dog trainer Ian Dunbar DVM, PhD notes that the 'most' critical socialization period starts long before the pup leaves the litter: 3 weeks to 12 weeks. Dr. Dunbar is quoted as saying a pup should meet "100 new people by the age of 3 months." That's a lot of people! The pups will get to meet 10 more people tomorrow, so they will be well on their way in the socialization department.

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