Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Levitation and Spoiled Rotten Puppies

Anyone who knows Stoker well will tell you that leaping straight up into the air out of sheer joy is one of her favorite past-times. Her Mamma Chili has done this on a more minor scale for years and Cousin Rebel leaps on a scale equal to or greater than Stoker. Stoker's enthusiasm for leaping even inspired a bit of haiku:

I launch myself up.
Surely I will fly if I
repeat enough times.

Today, Jan shared an observation with me: "the puppies are leapers like Stoker". Oh My! I wonder if those of you who are waiting for puppies know what you are getting yourselves into?!

The good news is that the puppies aren't ALWAYS wild, leaping little sharks. They do know how to settle down and relax, as documented in the following photos.

Jan missed the puppies when he was out of town this weekend and had to get a puppy fix when he got home. Here is Blue snuggling on the couch.

Not to be outdone by the puppies, Stoker had a nice visit with Jan too.

Tiger stretched out as looooonnnnnnnggggg as possible to get extra comfy for her nap.

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